Wednesday Mar 28, 2012
Trash Life
Wednesday Mar 28, 2012
Wednesday Mar 28, 2012
Jaywalking bursts back onto the scene like the Kool Aid man smashing through a brick wall! Leaping into action like a cheetah on a trampoline, Walker and Jason get straight back into the swing of things with a crazy long episode of an old segment we all know and love inspired by a mystery comedy genius superfan named Brian B! Fighting through technical difficulties that would cause lesser men to just curl into a little ball and heave themselves into a despair pit. Strap in and get ready for a return to winning ways ..... Jaywalking Fever .... Catch It!!! Note: Jaywalking is moving hosting to podbean! Therefore it's all the more crucial for you to subscribe on iTunes! Note Well: This episode concludes with an pithy punk reflection on the mystery of the real, visceral, will to power. Telekinetic was penned circa 2003 by Jason Vytlacil and is performed by Jason Vytlacil and Chris Reigstead. It is being used now in honor of the release of the movie Chronicle, which Jason V thoroughly enjoyed.
Friday Mar 16, 2012
Sunday Jan 08, 2012
Sunday Jan 08, 2012
Sunday Jan 08, 2012
Just in time for Christmas, Jason and Walker return to podcasting with the greatest gift ever given: A TWO PART EPISODE of JayWalking!!!! Celebrate our one year anniversary by downloading both episodes now! Enjoy! JayWalking Ep. 8.0: "Sexist Feminism" by Jaywalking Jaywalking Ep. 8.5: "Dad/Son Mind Swap" by JayWalking
Monday Dec 12, 2011
JayWalking: The Minisode!
Monday Dec 12, 2011
Monday Dec 12, 2011
THE GOOD NEWS: JayWalking has turned a year old! THE BAD NEWS: You have to wait just a little longer til the whopping TWO PART Anniversary Special is released. MORE GOOD NEWS: Here's a special minis ode (and an accompanying image of walker and jason in the grass valley, jason chilled to the bone and shivering) to keep you idiots sated. Enjoy!
JayWalking: The Minisode! by JayWalkingTuesday Sep 06, 2011
JayWalking Ep. 7:
Tuesday Sep 06, 2011
Tuesday Sep 06, 2011
You can't stop what's comin', especially if what's comin' is the long awaited 7th episode of JayWalking! Christmas has come early, and Santa's filled your stocking up to the brim with podcasts! IN THIS EPISODE: Jason and Walker explore some of the fascinating conversations taking place in the comments section of an online Pocahontas clip. Jason attempts to recant the recent events of his life by going through his Google Calander, and Walker announces an announcement that is so SUPER SECRET, you'll have to listen to the entire episode to find out what it is! JayWalking Ep. 7: "Saucy Pocahontas" by JayWalking
Sunday Jul 17, 2011
Finding Aspen
Sunday Jul 17, 2011
Sunday Jul 17, 2011
Back from the grave, this amazing new ep chronicles the introduction of a mysterious new jaywalking fan! Also, a description of Jason's downward spiral. Walker provides support and suddenly fancies himself an outdoorsman. Jaywalking fans are officially dubbed 'sick idiots'. Hilarity ensues.
Thursday May 19, 2011
JayWalking Ep. 5:
Thursday May 19, 2011
Thursday May 19, 2011
Jason and Walker return with heads held high in Episode 5, having made good on their promise to attempt to conform to a bi-weekly schedule! In this episode Jason and Walker take a trip to the rural community of Rough and Ready, and learn about the fickle secession of the once-great-Republic. Also featured is a particularly saucy edition of Kardashian Korner, wherein the Kim Kardashian sex tape is reviewed (at last!) AND a brand new segment called The GChat GSpot! As an added bonus, fans who have wondered if Jason and Walker eat food will actually get to hear Jason eating a tofu sandwich, and give a detailed description of said sandwich! Listen below, and/or subscribe to us on itunes (use the 'subscribe on iTunes' button) JayWalking Ep. 5: "Fuego!" by JayWalking
Tuesday Apr 19, 2011
JayWalking Ep. 4:
Tuesday Apr 19, 2011
Tuesday Apr 19, 2011
Update! : many users have suggested that the single biggest improvement that could be made to Jaywalking would be to make it downloadable directly to iTunes and recognizable as a podcast, facilitating both the 30 second rewind feature and the ability to pause and restart the podcast at the same place. Both features are accessible thusly : 1. go to our podbean page http://jaywalkingpodcast.podbean.com/ 2. click on the 'subscribe in iTunes' button on the lower right. 3. if any other boxes pop up, click 'yes' or 'launch application' or whatever Voila! Jason and Walker will Jaywalking right into your iTunes! Since what is now known as The Original JayWalking Trilogy came to a close, fans and detractors alike have been asking themselves "What's next for ol' Jason and Walker?" One need look no further for the answer. Jason and Walker are back up to their old tricks, but also inject some fresh life into the show with a new feature ("Twitter Tworner", in which Walker reads his own tweets without irony or shame). Fans of some of the more classic segments needn't worry either- this episode features a brand new segment of the much beloved "Would Pid" feature. Jason and Walker stay on top of all current trends by discussing a book series everyone has already read, and a television show that has long since ceased airing. PLUS: The origin story of Jason and Walker's email address is finally revealed!! Stay tuned for another exciting JayWalking. JayWalking Ep. 4: "Hufflepuffs In The City" by JayWalking
Monday Feb 14, 2011
JayWalking Ep. 3:
Monday Feb 14, 2011
Monday Feb 14, 2011
AT LONG LAST!!! After taking a two month hiatus from the rough-n-tumble world of podcasting, Jason and Walker triumphantly return with the third installment of the show that's been heralded as "funny" by some people. However, it's not all fun and games- Jason and Walker discuss how their massive success has divided their fans, but assert that all great art is polarizing. You'll also hear them tackle criticisms that the podcast has become "too blue" by going even deeper into blue territory, as the infamous "Nubbies" story is re-told by an actual eyewitness! All you hold sacred will be jaywalked in episode 3. Stay tuned. Jaywalking Ep. 3: "Duality In Nature" by JayWalking
Tuesday Dec 07, 2010
JayWalking Ep. 2:
Tuesday Dec 07, 2010
Tuesday Dec 07, 2010
Jason and Walker may have both been through hell and high-water since the now legendary first episode, but that won't stop them from sitting down for another round of self-congratulations. Today, with their sophmore release, they attempt to satisfy their listeners yearnings for their unique and humorous views on the issues facing them in such strange and modern times. Subjects ranging from kitty cats, celebrity, and poliamery are "jaywalked". Jason accuses Walker of being a "hipster neck beard guy." New original interlude music by Jason Vytlacil, Walker Glenn, and Wade Amesbury "Jeweldnyle" by Tony Cerame JayWalking Ep. 2: "Nubbies" by JayWalking